Very short impressions from the 34th IBBY Congress opens the present issue of the magazine. While the ARTICLES section is quite rich and big. In the first one Loreta Jakonytė discusses Poetics of Adventure in works by the Lithuanian children’s classic Pranas Mašiotas. Asta Skujytė analyses debut book by Kotryna Zylė, and discusses how the young author interprets the Lithuanian folk legends in her work. Inga Mitunevičiūtė presents War Horse by Michael Morpurgo and advices how to use the book in talks with schoolchildren about the Great War. The last publication is connected with the next rubric CONVERSATION where six teachers of literature discusses some books on the theme of the First World War. Article by Gintarė Adomaitytė is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of children’s writer Elena Spurgaitė. Under the caption READINGS OF MY CHILDHOOD famous teacher Violeta Tapinienė remembers her childhood as well as her pedagogic experience. List of children’s authors’ jubilees to be celebrated in 2015 is compiled by Roma Kišūnaitė.
Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 2014 Nr. 3 (71)