The 13th issue of RUBINAITIS begins with traditional Message of the International Children’s Book Day, written by Hannele Huovi.
In the first caption, Overviews, Gintarė Adomaitytė analyzes 12 new prose books for children by Lithuanian authors published in 1999, and states that two books – “Apple Tales“ by Vytautas V. Landsbergis and “Dried Little Cloud” by Nijolė Kepenienė – will be really important in the context of the modern Lithuanian children’s literature. Loreta Žvironaitė reviews the latest poetry books and finds “Charms of Bony Witch” by Martynas Vainilaitis as the most important book of the year.
The next caption, Articles, contains a survey of the Lithuanian Children’s Literature Awards before 1940 by Genovaitė Raguotienė and the artiele “The Variety of the Literary Fairy Tales” by Kęstutis Urba. The latter publication discusses the notions of Fairy tale, Fairy story, Fantasy as described in various literary sources. The main questions raised in the article are: what terms and definitions are more convienient for the Lithuanian language; what main features characterize the genre of Litearry Fairy Tale.
The Russian literary man Sergej Bojko provided the article about J. M. Barrie’s life and works. This publication as well as the analysis of two (!) translations of “Peter Pan” into Lithuanian by Dalia Vabalienė are dedicated to the 140th anniversary of J. M. Barrie.
Stasys Džiugas, a Lithuanian poet in exile, celebrates his 80th anniversary. Professor Vincas Auryla tells about Džiugas’ life and characterizes his one poetry book for children, just republished in Lithuania.
Elona Varnauskienė, RUBINAITIS’ traditiniol interviewer of writers, artists, and scholars for the caption Books of my Childhood, this time speaks with the prominent Lithuanian author Kazys Saja. The writer says that books have been important throughout all of his life, but especially in childhood.
In the Bibliografy section the readers will find the list of all books for children published in Lithuania in 1999. The section has been prepared by Roma Kišūnaitė.
Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 2000 Nr. 1 (13)