“Every child is born with one’s crown”, – states the winner of the best book of the year 2001 Nijolė Kepenienė. Her prize acceptance speech opens this issue of RUBINAITIS.
The first article “It is difficult to be Different” by Loreta Jakonytė is about the motive (problem) of Alien and/or Different in The Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh. According to the young scholar the family of rag-dolls are alien to the surrounding world; they are also alien to their own nature (especially the character of Soobie); and young characters are traditionally alien to the “normal” adult way of living etc.
Antanas Giedraitis-Giedrius (1892 – 1977) was the founder and editor-in-chief of the first two Lithuanian magazines for children –“Žvaigzdutė” (Little Star) and “Saulutė” (Little Sun). Professor Arnoldas Piročkinas describes and analyses those two historical beginnings in his article.
Two works for children by the prominent author Kazys Saja, who celebrates his 70th birthday this year, are analysed by Džiuljeta Maskuliūnienė and Kęstutis Urba.
The caption Books of my Childhood contains the thoughts and recollections by the famous Lithuanian children’s poetess Violeta Palčinskaite. And her translations of some Mother Goose Rhymes are published in the following section.
Three reviews – of “Anne of Green Gables” by L. M. Montgomery, “American Fairy Tales” by L. Frank Baum and “Markus og Diana” by Klaus Hagerup – are published in the caption At a Closer Look.
Everything what was written about children’s literature in Lithuania during the 2001 is registered by Roma Kišūnaitė in the Bibliography section.
Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 2002 Nr. 2 (22)