The introductory article of the present issue is by Kęstulis Urba who emphasises the importance of the 20th century for the development of children’s literature and children’s literature research. Genovaitė Raguotienė analyses who and when gave rise to the idea of teaching children’s literature for young educators in Lithuania during the years 1918–1940.

Nature as an important aspect in the prose works for teenagers by the modern Lithua­nian author Vladas Dautartas is the subject of Laima Arnatkeviciuteʼs article. The young scholar, university student Neringa Mikalauskienė thoroughly analyses the world of characters in the mythological poem-tale Bruknele (The Little Cranberry) by Martynas Vainilaitis. NARNIA books by C. S. Lewis are presented by Indre Butautytė.

The biggest publication is devoted to the 150th birth anniversary of F. H. Burnett. Kęstutis Urba shortly retells the biography of the author and analyses „Little Lord Fauntleroy„, „A Little Princess“ And „The Secret Garden„.

In the magazineʼs traditional caption, „Books of My Childhood“, Elona Varnauskienė interviews the prominent scholar, doctor of Pedagogy Meile Luksiene. „The attitude towards books in my childhood was almost sacral“, reads the title of the interview.

A review of three new books for children under the caption „At a Closer Look“ and a list of the coming jubilees of children’s authors closes the 12th issue of the RUBINAITIS.

 Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 1999 Nr. 2 (12)



Vaikų literatūros amžiaus pabaiga


Vaikų literatūra – mokymo ir studijų disciplina (Iš vaikų literatūros dėstymo istorijos 1918–1940 m.)
Gamtos vaizdo funkcija V. Dautarto prozoje paaugliams
M. Vainilaičio „Bruknelės“* veikėjų pasaulis
„Narnijos kronikų“ pasaulis*


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