In the third issue of Rubinaitis of the year 2023, a lot of attention is paid to the notable dates of Lithuanian and international children’s literature. In the Preface, Džiuljeta Maskuliūnienė, the Editor-inChief, emphasises the 140th anniversary of the publication of the short story The Adventures of Pinocchio by the famous Italian writer Carlo Collodi. Three articles have been published under the rubric “The Anniversaries”. Laimutė Adomavičienė’s article is dedicated to the analysis of the works for children created by Lithuanian exodus writer Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of her birth). Kristina Vaisvalavičienė’s article analyses the works for children of the famous Latvian poet Imants Ziedonis (dedicated to the 90th anniversary of his birth). Nijolė Vaičiulėnaitė-Kašelionienė has written the article Mažasis princas šiandien ir visados (“The Little Prince Today and Always”) about the classic work The Little Prince by the French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The article provides a thorough analysis of the book’s characters and emphasises significant semantic elements. The publication Joniškis, Vimerbis ir Astrida Lindgren (“Joniškis, Vimerbis and Astrida Lindgren”) written by Dovilė Kurlienė and Džiuljeta Maskuliūnienė is published under the rubric “Photos Tell”. In the rubric “We Want to Introduce You to”, Ieva Vaitkevičiūtė introduces the magazines related to children’s literature published in France. In the rubric “Retro”, Reda Tamulienė writes about the 100th anniversary of the Catholic children’s magazine Žvaigždutė. The rubric “Contexts” features two articles: Biblioterapija vaikams ir paaugliams (“Bibliotherapy for Children and Teenagers”) by Daiva Janavičienė and Cenzūra vaikų literatūroje? Ir šiandien jos netrūksta (“Censorship in Children’s Literature? And Today There is No Shortage of It”) by Eglė Baliutavičiūtė, that latter is based on the conversation with fellow writers from other countries that took place at the London Book Fair in April 2023. In the rubric “The Readings of My Childhood”, writer Ilona Ežerinytė interviews fellow writer Daina Opolskaitė. The following reviews are presented under the review rubric “With a Close Glance”: Gražina Skabeikyė-Kazlauskienė writes about Jurgita Pelėdaitė’s book Kemsyņų pasaptys (“The Secrets of Swamps”), which is based on the Lithuanian mythology, Vainius Bakas – about Vladas Braziūnas’ poetry book Kuosos Kro namai ir atvirkščiai (“The House of Jackdaw Kro and vice versa”).Two children’s books by contemporary American writers have also been reviewed. Justė Povilaitienė writes about Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s novel Pusiaukelėje į dangų (“Halfway to Heaven”) and Aldona Šiaulienė writes about John David Anderson’s book Priklijuoti (“Posted”). As usual, the magazine ends with the rubric “Chronicle. Information. Advertisements” (compiled by Roma Kišūnaitė). The back cover contains the text Ukmergės Pepė Ilgakojinė (Pippy Longstocking of Ukmergė) about the sculpture of Astrid Lindgren’s character Pippy Longstocking, created by metal plastic artist Andrius Janulis. The sculpture decorates the building of the Music Department of Ukmergė Art School.
Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 2023 Nr. 3 (107)