This issue focuses on the works of Lithuanian and foreign writers that are intended for adolescents and youth. This intention of Rubinaitis was partly determined by the fact that already in mid-2021 the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declared 2022 the Year of Youth of Lithuania, and soon the European Parliament dedicated this year to the youth of Europe. The issue begins with Foreword “The Book Helps you Grow up and Mature” by the Editor-in-Chief Džiuljeta Maskuliūnienė. The following works are published in the rubric “The Articles”: the article by Gražina Skabeikytė-Kazlauskienė “Initiation between Heaven and Water in the Novel Life of Pi of Yann Martel”, the article by Goda Baranauskaitė-Dangovienė about digital communication and social media in modern adolescent prose and the article by Kristina Tutlytė “Didacticism in Lithuanian Children’s Literature: Are the Newest Works still Teaching?” In the rubric “The Anniversaries”, Eglė Baliutavičiūtė analyses the famous story Arberonas by Vytautas Bubnys, telling about Soviet-era school-leaver Arūnas Gulbinas, who is surviving crisis (it is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the writer’s birth), and Loreta Jakonytė analyses the books by prominent contemporary Italian children’s writer Beatrice Masini (it is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the writer). In the rubric “The Contexts”, Asta Skujytė-Razmienė discusses Louisa May Alcott’s novel Little Women and two of its latest film adaptations in 1994 (directed by Gillian Armstrong) and 2019 (directed by Greta Gerwig). Two eloquent photos of the Lithuanian children’s writer-classic Kazys Saja, who is celebrating his 90th anniversary this year, are presented in the rubric “Photos Tell”. In the rubric “The Readings of my Childhood”, Eglė Baliutavičiūtė interviews the young writer Unė Kaunaitė. The rubric “Retro”, prepared by Reda Tamutienė, reveals an interesting, now extinct, leisure phenomenon of children and youth – lively pyramids and presents the old publications that tell us about this form of culture. In the review rubric “With a Close Glance”, Ieva Rudžianskaitė discusses the books telling children about painful things – Giedrė Kazlauskaitė and Dovilė Bagdonaitė’s book Pelė pianine (The Mouse inside a Piano) (2021) and Martin Baltscheit’s book Apie Lapiną, kuris pametė protą (About the Fox who has Lost his Mind) (2020). Elžbieta Kmitaitė-Kizielė reviews the novel of Swedish writer Jakob Wegelius Žudiko beždžionė (The Murderer’s Ape) (2021). The rubric “Writers and Characters of Children’s Literature” is continued on the back cover, where photos are published from Sudargas, a small town in Šakiai district, where there is a monument and a drawing on the wall of a building dedicated to a famous American writer Jerome David Salinger and his novel The Catcher in the Rye. The author of the sculpture is Nerijus Erminas, and the author of the drawing is Jurgita Davidavičienė.

Žurnalas „Rubinaitis“, 2022 Nr. 3 (103)



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